Like many of us, my endurance journey began running high-school track, continuing through college swimming and coaching for my university team.

When I was working full-time as a Travel Channel Host and filming all over America in my 30s, I gained over 70lbs. It was at this point the doctors told me I needed to be on medications--and I would be on these medications for the rest of my life. 

Throw into the mix almost dying five times during a medical emergency in 2010….and ever since I have been on a health, lifestyle and athletic journey—losing almost 100lbs over a period of years, with the bloodwork of a 25-year-old.  And I’m on zero medications.

Now, as a full-time licensed cycling coach and certified nutritionist working with juniors, masters, elite athletes and the population at large, I bring my life and racing lessons, backed by science, to the population at large. 

Key to my coaching process is advanced data analysis combined with an examination of an individual’s 24/7. Taking athletes through season after season, there is one unavoidable fact: your 24/7 has a dramatic effect on your performance goals. The individual ending every workout at the bar is going to have radically different progress versus the individual who practices healthy recovery techniques after every workout.

Key to the process is regular bloodwork every 6-12 months. We don’t want to supplement for supplementing’s sake—but we want to supplement for deficiencies. And we want to make sure those supplements and lifestyle changes are working.


“Thanks for breaking down my ride! Just by looking at data does no good if you don’t know what your looking at! I have a much better understanding all the aspects of the work I’m putting in. Your a great coach and I knew from day one you were the best coach for me..”