I work full-time as both a licensed cycling coach and certified nutritionist. Catering to both athletes and non-athletes alike.

By emphasizing long-term, realistic changes and a 24/7 approach to training and nutrition—including sleep, bi-annual bloodwork and structured plans—I guide clients towards lasting well-being and a productive relationship with nutrition and training.

And for athletes, yea, let’s get those biomarkers moving in the right direction and win some events.

And for the population at large, yea, let’s shed some belt loops and get those biomarkers moving in the right direction.

Learn more about my philosophy of fitness for the everyday person or seasoned athlete.

Have a minute? Let’s jump on a quick zoom.


Coach Lee

“Endurance sports are a year-by-year, layering of workload--while facing numerous obstacles, soaring highs and debilitating lows--to achieve your goals."

Nail it!

Zone 2! We hear about this crucial training zone on almost a daily basis. But how do we execute a zone 2 workout? Execute, execute, execute!


We have reached a critical junction in American health. We are the sickest we've ever been, yet we are spending more on health care than any other time in history. The "Make America Healthy Again" promises to address many areas of public policy to start reversing the downward spiral of American Health.

Joe Smash

“You have definitely taken me from a 'guy who rides a bike' to an athlete which is really something new for me. Up to this point, I had played sports, but nothing with structured training. Happy to be part of the team, happy you are my coach!”